News & Articles

Amanda Giblin Amanda Giblin

This Ain’t Your Granny’s Feminism

The word “feminism” today seems to hold a much more convoluted meaning than what it once represented.

Coined by Frenchman, Charles Fourier, in the late 19th century, the term originated from the French word “feminisme" and was initially introduced in association with a growing movement toward equal legal and political rights for women. It was originally intended to combat the overbearing patriarchy that held women under its thumb as literal possessions of men.

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Amanda Giblin Amanda Giblin

Examining the Evolving Double Standard in Athletes' Sexual Objectification - 2024 Perspective

In 2023 and now 2024, the discourse surrounding the sexual objectification of athletes continues to evolve, reflecting broader societal shifts in attitudes towards gender and representation in sports media. As we witness a growing awareness and critique of double standards in how male and female athletes are portrayed, it becomes crucial to examine the role of influential sports publications in shaping these perceptions.

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