Examining the Evolving Double Standard in Athletes' Sexual Objectification - 2024 Perspective

In 2023 and now 2024, the discourse surrounding the sexual objectification of athletes continues to evolve, reflecting broader societal shifts in attitudes towards gender and representation in sports media. As we witness a growing awareness and critique of double standards in how male and female athletes are portrayed, it becomes crucial to examine the role of influential sports publications in shaping these perceptions. 

Annually, the United States' leading sports magazines, Sports Illustrated and ESPN, continue their tradition of releasing special editions dedicated to celebrating the human form. Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit Issue and ESPN's Body Issue, as of 2023/2024, remain at the forefront of this practice. Each edition garners a complex reaction from the public, ranging from eagerness to criticism. This pattern, established over the years, persists, with 2023 following the same trend of mixed reception and spirited discussion.

The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue

According to a 2013 article in Newsweek, when Sports Illustrated printed its first Swimsuit Edition in January of 1964, “Its humble beginnings were rooted in a simple quest: to pique readers’ interests during the winter sports doldrums.” The other part of the then managing editor’s idea was to give its readers, at the time an almost exclusively male audience, a softer type of imagery, “He thought it would be nice to look at a pretty woman down on the beach.” 

2009’s Debut of ESPN’s Bodies We Want Issue

In 2009, ESPN magazine debuted its Bodies We Want Issue as an attempt to revive the magazine’s dwindling sales. Printing and releasing the special issue with multiple covers depicting both male and female athletes from various sports appears on the surface to be a step in the right direction of simply appreciating the many forms of being human and an athlete. Look just below the shiny gloss of the front cover though, and you’ll see the ever-present double standard of sexually objectifying women staring you back in the face.

And here's why: every year its male viewers receive the Swimsuit Issue with great accolades. And each year, the magazine pushes the envelope just a little further toward the edge of crossing over into soft porn. The 2015 cover begs the question, “Why?” as cover model Hannah Davis pulls a shy schoolgirl face while appearing to slide her bikini bottom down almost to the point of obscenity. 2017 brings an issue with now 31-year-old Kate Upton making her third appearance on the cover. At only 19 years old, she graced her first Swimsuit Issue cover posed in a sexually suggestive manner, clad in what can hardly be called a barely-there bikini, to be ogled at by millions of men around the world who presumably carried out some imaginative solo fantasising. I'll say that again. She was only 19 years old.

Unfavourable Reactions To Male Features

At the opposite end of the spectrum, when male athletes grace the cover of ESPN's Body Issue, there is a decidedly unfavourable reaction on the part of the male viewership. Interestingly, this year the coverage of the Body Issue's release by other media outlets came with disclaimers such as, "WARNING: Images in the gallery above display nudity and aren't suitable for all readers” and “WARNING: NSFW images ahead.”

One of the 2017 covers is a photo of Ezekial Elliot, a running back in the NFL, who drew harsh criticism via social media. The following comments demonstrate the fragility of masculine tolerance for having to be subjected to a nude male figure. “@espn ESPN is straight garbage now,” “@espn what the hell?” and “SPORTS. THE S STANDS FOR SPORTS. NOT STRIPPERS” Funnily enough, the last comment garnering the response, “Oh, unless it's a girl in a thong...,” from a woman, which in essence appears to be exactly the case.

So What’s The Reaction To A Female Feature?

An alternate cover of 2019’s Body Issue showcases Danish tennis icon, Caroline Wozniacki, with the caption “Caroline Wozniacki is ready for Wimbledon” by ESPN via Twitter. That tweet, however, elicited a much different response from male viewers demonstrated by comments such as, "[S]he will no doubt leak a sex tape before ever winning a grand slam,” “I think she’s ready for a lot more than Wimbledon…,” and “Would smash.” If you’d like to have a scroll through the comments yourself, I’ll just leave this here.

Per the same Newsweek article cited earlier in this post, the annual Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue “generates around seven per cent of SI’s annual revenue, according to Forbes. It’s also one of Time Inc.’s most profitable ventures, raking in more than $1 billion over the years and reaching a global audience of more than 70 million.” 

So, why is it then, that women and the female form are perfectly acceptable when posed provocatively in the nude as the apparent object of a mass male fantasy? Yet, a naked male athlete depicted in an unquestionably athletic pose draws the ire and disgust of that same male audience. 

Why Sexual Objectification Harms Women

Not only does it cause psychological harm to the women who witness it, but we know that the objectification and sexualisation of girls in the media are linked to violence against women and girls worldwide. According to UNICEF, somewhere in the world, an adolescent girl dies as a result of violence every 10 minutes. 

Even here in Australia, the situation is concerning. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare reports that 1 in 6 women have experienced physical or sexual violence by a current or former partner since the age of 15. These numbers reflect a troubling reality where the objectification of women is not just a media issue, but a societal one that affects real lives. When female athletes are sexualised, it reinforces the harmful notion that women’s value lies primarily in their physical appearance, rather than their skills, intelligence, or character. This perspective not only diminishes their athletic achievements but also perpetuates a culture where women are seen as objects rather than equal individuals.

At Fierce Females, we’re a Gold Coast-based charity with a mission to help women live a life free of violence. We believe in empowering women through self-defence training, but we also recognise the need for societal change. Our programs not only equip women with the physical skills to defend themselves but also aim to build confidence and awareness. We want to inspire a cultural shift where women are celebrated for their diverse talents and strengths, and where their rights and dignity are upheld in every aspect of life.

If you’d like to support our mission, you can donate to our charity online or even purchase one of our online self-defence courses to begin your journey of empowerment right from the comfort of your home.


This Ain’t Your Granny’s Feminism