Women’s Group Self Defence Classes Gold Coast

Step into a safe and confidential space, where small group sessions redefine the traditional notions of a dojo or gym. Within this supportive community, you'll find yourself surrounded by empowering women and guided by our dedicated Fierce Trainers, who excel at cultivating a warm, trusting, and friendly environment. We offer our group sessions from our studio in Westfield Helensvale.

How We Teach Women’s Self Defence & Empowerment For All Ages

Teen Classes: Our teen classes empower young women with effective self-defence techniques while fostering resilience, assertiveness, and self-esteem.

18+ Classes: For women aged 18 and above, our comprehensive self-defence classes cover a range of practical techniques suitable for real-world scenarios. Our experienced instructors provide step-by-step guidance, emphasising situational awareness, self-assurance, and effective strategies for self-protection.

Senior Classes: Age is never a barrier to personal safety and empowerment. Our senior classes are designed to meet the unique needs and abilities of mature women. We focus on gentle yet effective techniques, mindful movement, and fostering a supportive environment that encourages strength and well-being at any age.

Our self-defence classes are designed to be inclusive and accessible to individuals of all abilities, including those with physical and intellectual disabilities.

Currently, we’re booked out of our group classes. If you wish to be notified when our next round of classes are available, please sign up to be on our waitlist!

At our studio on the Gold Coast, we are passionate about equipping women of all ages and abilities with the essential skills and mindset to protect themselves and embrace their inner strength. Our approach to teaching self-defence and empowerment is grounded in inclusivity, ensuring that every woman who walks through our doors feels welcome and supported.

We understand that self-defence needs vary across different age groups and levels of ability, which is why we offer specialised classes tailored to cater to various life stages:

Under 12 Classes: Our dedicated Fierce Trainers have developed a curriculum specifically crafted for children under 12 years old that focuses on age-appropriate self-defence techniques, building confidence, and developing awareness in a fun and engaging environment.

Check us out on Channel 7 News

Our Training Methods

Our multi-modal approach means we combine various techniques and strategies from different disciplines, such as striking, grappling, situational awareness, verbal de-escalation, and psychological preparedness, to enhance personal safety and self-defence capabilities.

This approach recognises that real-life confrontations can be unpredictable and require a flexible and adaptable response.

In our self-defence training classes, various types of equipment may be used to enhance the learning experience and simulate scenarios. To adhere to our client’s touch and spacial boundaries, we use Muay Thai pads, tactical dummies, focus pads and punching mitts, and training bags. To maximise our class session times, our trainers will alternate between group, paired and 1-on-1 training variations.

Step into an empowering environment where you can learn essential skills, build confidence, and connect with a supportive community of like-minded women. It's time to prioritise your safety, embrace your power, and discover the strength within you.

Our classes are at an affordable rate of just $10 per person per class. If you wish to embark on a transformative journey of self-defence and empowerment, sign up to our waitlist below to be notified when we’re running our next round of group classes.

woman in a group self defence class with wrist straps

What To Bring To Your Session

When attending one of our group sessions, it's important to come prepared with:

  • A water bottle: we have a water bottle refill station at the studio to ensure you stay hydrated throughout the class

  • Comfortable athletic clothing: to allow for freedom of movement (note: skirts and dresses aren’t recommended. We’d recommend 3/4 or full length leggings)

  • Towel: stay comfortable and wipe away perspiration during breaks

No need to bring any note-taking materials, we will email you with the course content after the class. 

Our small group courses allow us to train with you at your own pace, so as long as you are comfortable, we will be able to achieve a great learning experience.

If you’re unsure about anything, please get in touch and we’ll happily answer any questions you may have.

woman in self defence training class with wrist straps

Sign Me Up For Low-Cost Self-Defence Training For Women

At our private studio on the Gold Coast, our expert female trainers will guide you through a personalised, multi-modal curriculum encompassing physical techniques and mental strategies. During these sessions, you'll learn effective self-empowerment and defence techniques that can safely remove you from challenging or violent situations.

We are committed to breaking down financial barriers and ensuring that cost is not an obstacle to your personal growth and safety, which is why we’re offering slots in our group courses at an affordable rate of just $10 per person per class.

Our current group classes launched in January 2024 and operate through to March 2024; join our waitlist for more information on upcoming group courses or enquire online today!

woman at laptop

Curious to know more about our payment plan options and Ts and Cs? Explore our participation agreement below.

female volunteer trainers for fierce females

Are you looking for an entirely private group experience for your business or loved ones? Check out our corporate & event group programs.

Interested in learning self-defence online? Click the button below to check out our online self-defence modules.


Support Fierce Females In Helping Women Live A Life Free From Violence

We see a world where everyone has the knowledge and tools to write their own story and live a life free from violence.

As a not-for-profit ACNC-registered charity, Fierce Females offers a hope-focused and person-centred approach to teaching women self-empowerment and defence, striving to cultivate a lasting impact on violence against women.

This is why we’re heavily involved in the community, extending our programs and workshops right from our Helensvale studio to Gold Coast schools and universities, corporations, and NGOs. We also have a collaborative relationship with the Queensland Police Service (QPS) and frequently assist victims of crime, especially those who are victims of domestic violence (DV) and sexual assault (SA).

If you’d like to attend one of our private group classes that help fund the work we do in our community, register your interest below and we’ll get in touch regarding our session availabilities and more!

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